Why does the neck hurt?

Neck pain - this is caused by the mentioned posture, "sofa" lifestyle, excessive physical activity. There are many factors that affect the cervical spine in not the best way. Let's find out why the neck hurts and what to do to alleviate the discomfort.

male neck pain

Cervical pain and cervical pain

Neck pain is divided into two types:

  1. Circumcalgia is a constant spasm in one place. It appears gradually, its intensity varies. The neck constantly hurts and in the same place - you have to go to the hospital, a serious illness can develop.
  2. Cervicago is an unexpected pain that starts and stops quickly. The reason may be too sudden movements of the head or a long stay in the same position.

During the attack, coordination is impaired, and painful urges respond in other parts of the body.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a disorder of the joints. The disease occurs mainly in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, malnourished. Not the last role is played by hereditary predisposition. People with osteochondrosis experience dizziness, tympanic noise and limb stiffness. The back of the head hurts, burning between the shoulder blades. They often complain that the spine hurts in the neck. Turning the neck becomes difficult, the movements are accompanied by a crunchy sound. Possible tingling.

Pain in the neck indicates the development of this disease. The neck hurts on the left or right side - most likely osteochondrosis.

Pain in the cervical spine is accompanied by this disease. If you consult a specialist in time, it can be easily cured.

Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine

The disease occurs even in young people. Pain in the left side of the neck, shoulder, arm, chest, visual and hearing impairment, impaired concentration are possible. For people with this disease, doctors recommend rest and relaxation, prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs.

Disc herniation

Not only a complete hernia is strongly felt, but also a minimal protrusion of the disc: the canal in the cervical area is narrow, the nerve endings are at close range. Pain on the left side of the neck, waist, lower back. The disease develops from unhealthy diet, inactivity, lack of physical development. The technique of acupressure and vacuum therapy is used for treatment.


The neck can hurt from excessive exercise: for example, after exercise. The main symptom of sprains is severe neck pain. The affected area swells, it becomes impossible to turn the head, it can take an unnatural position and the patient risks fainting. To make it easier, you can take anesthesia, apply a cold or hot compress, massage the sprained area. It is not recommended to lie on your stomach - in this case the head will be turned to the right or left, and tight ties may not withstand. For a few weeks it is better to give up physical activity. When the pain subsides, you can start kneading the neck by tilting it to the side.


Cervical spondylosis is a serious disease that can lead to disability and requires immediate consultation with your doctor. Spondylosis can be a neglected form of osteochondrosis. The disease occurs mainly in the elderly, as well as in athletes as a result of injuries. Unpleasant sensations in the back of the head and the collar area become permanent.

Another signal is throbbing pain in the left neck. There is a feeling of stiffness, discomfort when turning the head.

There are many opinions on how to treat cervical spondylosis. The main thing is to eliminate inflammation and pain. Drug therapy, physiotherapy procedures in combination with therapeutic exercises will help to restore performance and improve the general condition of the body.

female neck pain

cervical myelopathy

Myelopathy occurs after narrowing of the spinal canal. Pain in the cervical spine signals the development of myelopathy. Sufferers of myelopathy feel bad and weak, often have a feeling that the limbs are shocked, speech is slowed down, it becomes difficult to take steps, coordination is impaired. The disease occurs after falling from a great height and accidents. The patient wears a soft collar on the cervix, undergoes a course of physiotherapy and strengthening exercises.


The term whiplash is used to describe pain resulting from soft tissue injury. Damage occurs due to sharp elongation with further bending and vice versa. Acute neck pain (any area) after a fall, battle or accident can signal a whiplash.

The ligaments are damaged - the head takes a convex position, the cervical lordosis is lost. After injury, X-ray examination is mandatory. Weakening of the disease occurs after 1-6 months.

Damage to the cervix

Pain in the cervical spine occurs after injuries, unsuccessful jumps in the water, accidents. Unnatural twisting, painful pain in the back of the head indicate injury to the cervical region. Swelling and hematomas appear, the motor functions of the body are disturbed. For those who have pain in the cervical spine, doctors will first prescribe wearing a special collar for several months.


Infectious skin diseases lead to inflammation, which can be accompanied by acute pain. In infections such as tonsillitis or rubella, the lymph nodes dilate and lead to unpleasant painful sensations in the neck muscles.

neck pain when tilting the head

Pathology of internal organs

Severe neck pain often portends pathology. Cholecystitis is suspected in pain in the right hypochondrium extending to the neck on the right side. If the cervical temples hurt in the morning, it looks like hypertension. The pain in such cases is reflected and comes from the head, heart, esophagus. Myocardial infarction and angina are often accompanied by pain in the chest, shoulders and arms.

Patients who have experienced such diseases complain that their neck hurts on the left. Pain in the right neck, cramps in the thigh on the same side suggest the development of cholecystitis. Pain in the front of the neck gives the right to suspect a violation of the thyroid gland, esophagus, larynx or pharynx. You may develop local neuritis - nerve damage. This usually happens after poisoning with chemicals such as alcohol.

Restless pain in the cervical spine is a harbinger of developing pathology. In this case, the pressure jumps a lot. Pain in the neck on the right, with limited ability to move the head, tormenting during meningitis.

Painful sensations on the side are the result of the expansion of the tumor in the brain. Help should be sought immediately. Pain in the neck in front of the right or left may indicate the presence of pharyngitis, laryngitis, lymphangitis or other disease associated with inflammation of the internal organs.

Pain in the cervical spine - there may be a process of developing meningitis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis. A non-dangerous disease that is easy to treat - vegetative-vascular dystonia can also be accompanied by diseases. Pain in the cervical region is attributed to the limbs, back, there are pressure surges, shortness of breath, lethargy.

neck massage for pain

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by stabbing pain in the neck. It intensifies at night.

Other reasons

Often the pain in the neck on the right is the result of a banal lumbago. Lumbago or lumbago - contraction of the muscles of the neck. It is harmless and disappears on its own after a few weeks. Most often it is manifested due to currents, the pain spreads to the head, chest. The neck hurts a lot on the left or right side - maybe the person just "lies down" on this side. Physical inactivity damages the physical condition and disrupts the functioning of the vessels of the cervical spine. During this type of disease it is enough to change body position.

Many obese people often have neck pain. The spine and cervical vertebrae can not cope with being overweight, have a huge load and begin to actively resist.

Stress and psychological tension cause painful sensations. Emotional outbursts and tension often cause pain in the back of the neck. It, like any other part of the body, has many nerve endings. If the shoulders also hurt, you feel numbness and tingling, the nerve is pinched. The pain will go away after an injection or anesthetic.

Pulls muscles - maybe you should diversify your day with walks in the fresh air. Pain on the right side in a healthy neck - the person was just cold.


Those who are constantly worried about the cervical region should consult a specialist. This is very important, especially if the temperature rises with severe pain. When the neck hurts for three days, you need to sound the alarm. Treatment of a sore neck can only be prescribed by a specialist.

Doctors usually prescribe medication. It is recommended to lubricate the disturbing parts of the neck with preparations with a warming effect. Constant pain can make a person irritable: the doctor prescribes sedatives, antidepressants. Neck pain on the right, left, front, side and back can be relieved by applying a heating pad to the affected area or wrapping it in a warm scarf.

Massage is a mandatory wellness procedure. You can do it yourself. The neck hurts in front, for example - gently stroke and rub its surface, trying not to touch the Adam's apple. Blood circulation will improve and pain in the cervical area will cease to bother.

Pulling severe pain in the neck is recommended to treat with warm compresses. In such cases, a person needs complete rest and the pain in the neck on the right or left will disappear in a few minutes. If the situation is serious, it should be taken by a professional who knows how to treat neck pain, such as a trained physiotherapist.

Bruises and sprains are relieved with cold compresses. Acupuncture and healing physical education are often used in medical practice, especially for constant neck pain.

In particularly severe cases, patients are operated on, but this is the exception rather than the rule. If the treatment of the cervical region is successful, you can get rid of the discomfort in a few months.

How to treat neck pain yourself

What did the people affected by the disease not invent! For sprains or minor injuries, you can resort to informal methods of pain management. There is a proven way to get rid of neck pain in an hour.

Fold the gauze in three layers. Boil the potatoes in their uniforms, then press and attach to the neck through a towel, then warm with a scarf or towel. When the potatoes have cooled, remove the layers of gauze. After the procedure, rub the neck with any alcohol.

pain in the cervical spine

To stop the pain in the cervical region, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Maintain a proper posture. The curved back contributes to muscle deformity. The shoulders should be lowered, the chin should be in a raised position. Sitting with a curved back, you risk getting seriously ill.
  • Prefer a backpack to a bag. The load will be evenly distributed on both the left and right side of the body, and the pain in the cervical spine will subside.
  • As you read, keep your head straight, do not lower. You can fix it with a roller or pillow (not soft), change the position.
  • Take time for physical activity. Yoga, swimming, fitness strengthen the muscles of the neck. If you can't train, take breaks from work, stretch, relax all your muscles.
  • Take a contrast shower. When changing cold and hot water, the body experiences stress: blood circulation accelerates, muscles, including the neck, involuntarily strengthen.
  • Don't overdo it. When the neck hurts a lot, it is better to leave it alone and in no case continue to work or train. The pain in the cervical spine can go away on its own.
  • Don't panic. Stress affects not only the psychological but also the physical health of a person. Instead of shouting "what to do if my neck hurts terribly on the left", it is better to calm down and assess the situation reasonably.